The Best Designer Dog Breeds for First-Time Dog Owners
Getting your first dog is quite an experience, to say the least. The excitement, the anxiety, and the uncertainty of what lies ahead can be rather overwhelming, yet it’s all worth it when you wrap your arms around your very own fur baby. With that said, that part comes later. Before getting your first dog, a lot of research must be conducted in order to figure out which dog breed would best fit your lifestyle and nature. Allow us to do the heavy lifting for you and recommend some of the best designer dog breeds for individuals getting their first furry friend.
What Are Designer Dog Breeds?
Our focus in today’s blog is designer dog breeds. Simply put, these are mixed-breed dogs that are intentionally bred to combine specific traits from two or more purebred breeds. For example, Goldendoodles are a combination of Golden Retrievers and Poodles (what an adorable combination, making them arguably one of the most family-friendly and loving dogs out there).
Why does Designer Dog Breeding happen?
Similar to traditional breeding, designer dog breeds are bred in a specific way so they naturally have certain traits and characteristics that make them our perfect companions. There are several reasons why this style of breeding is performed and why these dogs are great for first-time owners, and they are as follows:
Installing Desirable Traits
One of the primary reasons behind this practice is the outcome of combining the positive traits of two breeds into a single dog, as well as fixing or neutralizing certain issues. Take, for example, the fact that designer dogs like Labradoodles or Goldendoodles often inherit the Poodle's hypoallergenic coat, which reduces shedding and dander, making them a good choice for people with allergies. Without them, first-time owners who are allergic would have a tough time experiencing the joy of being a pet parent.
Furthermore, temperament can also be determined to a great extent. By mixing breeds with different temperaments, breeders may be able to create dogs with a balanced personality. For example, a mix of a calm, affectionate dog like the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel with a playful, energetic dog like the Poodle can result in a companion that is both playful and gentle.
Size Matters
Despite how much one may want a dog, it may not always seem viable because a big dog tends to require a lot of space, which can be difficult to offer many times. Designer dogs can be bred to fall within a particular size range, making it possible for them to comfortably live in, say, an apartment.
Less Inbreeding
Inbreeding is a major concern amongst breeders as purebred dogs can often suffer from it, resulting in the chances of genetic diseases increasing. By breeding two distinct breeds, as studies have shown, the dogs benefit from the diverse genetic pool and reduce the likelihood of genetic disorders that may be common amongst purebreds.
Best Designer Dog Breeds for First-Time Owners
Before starting the list, let’s make it clear that dogs, even within the same breed, whether purebred or designer, can differ greatly when it comes to their personality. While yes, their DNA makes them almost hardwired to be a certain way, individualism exists within dogs as they are intelligent creatures. Fortunately, if a dog’s personality leans toward a negative trait, being intelligent beings, they can be trained. With that cleared up, let’s start the list of the best designer dog breeds we recommend to would-be pet parents:
1) Miniature Labradoodle (Labrador Retriever + Poodle)

If you’ve been thinking about getting a dog, people around you or blog posts you read online must have mentioned Labrador Retrievers and Poodles—two of the most friendly and intelligent dog breeds out there. Now, combine the best of both worlds and you’ve got yourself a Mini Labradoodle, one of the best designer dog breeds available thanks to its affectionate, easy-going, and intelligent nature. Being half Poodle, Labradoodles inherit the hypoallergenic coat, which means people with allergies can also consider them.
Note: While many Labradoodles inherit a hypoallergenic coat from their Poodle parent, not all do. It depends on the specific genetic traits passed down. People with severe allergies should consult breeders or spend time with the dog before committing.
2) Miniature Bernedoodle (Bernese Mountain Dog + Poodle)
The beautiful tri-colored Bernedoodles are great companions for pretty much any type of family—singles, couples, or senior citizens—thanks largely to their laid-back attitude and calm, friendly nature. Mini Bernedoodles weigh about 20–40 pounds when fully grown and tend to be quite easy to train due to their intelligence. Oh, and again, it is possible for them to inherit the hypoallergenic trait from their Poodle parent, but be sure to have that tested tested.
3) Teacup Yorkiepoo (Yorkshire Terrier + Poodle)
A Teacup Yorkiepoo is a little furball that is arguably one of the best designer dog breeds for owners who want a small, affectionate, and intelligent dog. Weighing in at only 3–15 pounds and standing at an adorable 7–15 inches tall with minimal exercise requirements, Teacup Yorkiepoos are the perfect partners for those living in apartments and are quite easy to train as well. And again, thanks to those Poodle genetics, Yorkiepoos are often hypoallergenic and quite easy, making them the perfect cuddle buddies.
4) Teacup Shihpoo (Shih Tzu + Poodle)
There seems to be a pattern here with Poodles usually being the second parent, but thanks to their friendly and intelligent nature, it doesn’t come as a surprise. The Teacup Shihpoo is a smaller version of the Shihpoo, making them pint-sized. Weighing only around 4–9 pounds, these dogs can fit right in your pocket. Don’t let their little appearance fool you, though; they are quite playful and enjoy interactive games and love being around people, including children. And as is the case with Poodle mixes, there is a major possibility of them being hypoallergenic.
5) Frenchton (French Bulldog + Boston Terrier)
The charming personality of a Frenchton, which is arguably one of the cutest names for a dog breed, is sure to win any individual owner. Boston Terriers are known for being hyperactive but super friendly, and combined with a French Bulldog, you’ve got yourself a fairly active, but also laid-back, when you’re relaxing kind of dog that is great with both other animals and people, making them fantastic family dogs. Also, their low fur coat means their maintenance requirements in that aspect are very low.
6) Miniature Sheepadoodle (Old English Sheepdog + Miniature Poodle)
A dog with many names, ranging from Miniature Sheeppoo, Miniature Sheep-a-poo, Mini Shepdoodle, and our personal favorite, Sheepdogpoo, these dogs look straight out of a fantasy with their adorable eyes, teddy bear-like fur and appearance, and a personality to go along with it. We’d like to describe the personalities of these amazing dogs with a single sentence: there was a time when the military decided to use Miniature Sheepadoodle, owing to their great intelligence, but they found them to be too gentle and loving for the role. We rest our case.
7) Miniature Goldendoodle (Golden Retriever + Poodle)

The Golden Retriever has been the face of a “happy family with a dog” for years now, and deservingly so. Mini Goldendoodles emerged later on and have since become a fantastic companion to pet parents across the world. Individuals looking for a loving companion that isn’t as big or doesn’t shed as much as a Golden Retriever but still possesses their nature and intelligence often choose Goldendoodles as their go-to option. There are several different kinds of Goldendoodles and all deserve a spot in this list and your home.