Do Cockapoos Like Swimming? Traits, Tips & Training

do cockapoos like swimming

Cockapoos may or may not enjoy swimming, depending on their genetics and personality. While their Poodle lineage makes them naturally inclined to water, some may be hesitant. With proper training, early exposure, and positive reinforcement, many Cockapoos can learn to love swimming. Safety is key—use a life jacket, choose calm waters, and keep sessions short. Swimming offers great exercise, joint relief, and fun for both dog and owner. If your Cockapoo dislikes water, respect their preference and explore other activities.

Cockapoos are one of the most popular hybrid dogs out there and also one of the very first designer breeds. These dogs are known for their low-shedding fur, loving nature, and intelligence.

If you’re a water sports enthusiast and are wondering if your future or current Cockapoo enjoys swimming, the very short answer is: some do, some don’t. It highly depends. Let’s discuss the cause behind the variability, how to introduce them to swimming, and some essential training tips to keep in mind.

Do Cockapoos Naturally Like Water?

Dogs take after one parent or the other, sometimes both, and sometimes neither. Genetics is an interesting thing. This is essentially, on a fundamental level, how they work for us as well. Cockapoos are a mixture of Poodles and Cocker Spaniels.

Poodles were originally bred as water retriever dogs, assigned the task of bringing back ducks and other game. So, they had an affinity for water. If your Cockapoo inherits those Poodle genes on any level, they would likely be inclined to cannonball into every body of water they see.

The Cocker Spaniel side of the family is no couch potato either, as they too were bred to be hunting companions, though on land. They aren’t particularly known for their love of water, so that doesn’t particularly help in this situation.

Hence, because of this mix, the answer to the question “Do Cockapoos like swimming?” is essentially that many Cockapoos do inherit a natural affinity for water. However, this isn’t a guarantee—some may be hesitant or even fearful, especially if they haven't been exposed to water early on.

If you're considering a Cockapoo but also comparing it to other breeds, you may wonder how they differ from Maltipoos. When it comes to "cockapoo-vs-maltipoo" in terms of swimming, Cockapoos may have a slight advantage due to their Poodle heritage. Maltipoos, on the other hand, have a Toy or Miniature Poodle and Maltese mix, and their love for water can vary just as much.

Can You Train A Cockapoo To Like Water

Dogs have personalities just like us. For some individuals, you can offer them the sweetest peach in the world, and they simply do not like peaches. There is, alas, no guaranteed way of making your dog love water or water sports. However, being from a lineage of working dogs, Cockapoos are more likely to show successful results after water training than any other. They are also naturally trainable dogs. Here’s what you can do:

Start the Training Early

The very first thing is to start early. Whilst old dogs can learn new tricks, puppies learn things faster thanks to their curiosity. Begin by wetting their paws and see how they like the water. If the response is positive, begin to swim with them in a shallow pool or a calm lake shoreline. Things will take time, and let them; patience is a virtue, and you must practice it here. Forcing a dog into the water can create a lasting fear, so let them move at their own pace.

Use Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is the only training method pet parents should use. Encourage your pup’s positive behaviors with treats, toys, pets, and love. Build a fun association with water so they’re more eager to swim.

Lead by Example

If you have another dog that enjoys swimming, let your Cockapoo watch. You don’t always need another canine friend—you yourself can be the example. Dogs, especially young pups, learn from observing others.

Invest in a Dog Life Jacket and Check The Temperature

It is another myth that all dogs know how to swim. Whilst your Cockapoo has an inherent gene for swimming, it’s not worth the risk. Safety first, always. So, invest in a properly fitted life jacket that provides extra buoyancy. Also, avoid cold water as it can result in hypothermia.

Keep Sessions Short

All pups need exercise, but it shouldn’t feel overwhelming. Start with a couple of minutes and increase the time gradually as their comfort grows.

Some Things To Note

It is best to swim in pools or clear lakes. Still water is often infested with bacteria, and ocean tides are unpredictable. It is fine to swim if the water is calm, but never let your dog go out of sight as tides change on a dime. Furthermore, prevent them from drinking salt water, as that isn’t healthy for them.

Benefits of Swimming for Cockapoos

If your dog swims often, visit a vet just to get a test of everything. Water enters the ear canals, nostrils, etc., and can cause an infection. These infections can be excruciatingly painful, so it’s best to ensure your dog isn’t suffering from them.

Benefits of Swimming for Cockapoos

Swimming is extremely fun, and when a Cockapoo does enjoy it, the pup gets the following benefits:

• A low-impact exercise that is gentle on the joints, which is amazing for older dogs or those with arthritis.

• It’s a full-body workout that engages muscles that aren’t used during daily walks.

• It is a great way to let the energy out for both the dog and the parent.

Is anything better than jumping in a pool on a hot summer day?


So, do Cockapoos like swimming? Many do, and many don’t. It depends largely on their Poodle lineage along with their individual personality. There is no science behind it. If you want your dog to like the water, take it slow and introduce them to it gently. Do not be pushy—let it come naturally to them.


Can Cockapoos Swim in Cold Water?

While they can, it’s best to avoid very cold temperatures. Prolonged exposure can lead to hypothermia.

Do Cockapoos Need a Life Jacket?

For new swimmers or deep water, a life jacket is recommended. It provides extra buoyancy and safety.

What If My Cockapoo Doesn’t Like Swimming?

Not all dogs enjoy the water. If yours dislikes swimming, don’t force it. There are plenty of other ways to keep them active.
