Are Cockapoos Easy to Train?
Cockapoos are highly trainable thanks to their intelligence and eagerness to please. As a mix of Poodles and Cocker Spaniels, they inherit strong learning abilities and a friendly nature, making training easier. Early socialization, positive reinforcement, and consistency are key to success. While Cockapoos may face challenges like housebreaking or separation anxiety, proper training techniques help overcome these issues. Whether you're a first-time owner or an experienced trainer, these tips will ensure your Cockapoo grows into a well-behaved companion.
We’ll start this blog with the good news right from the get-go. YES! Cockapoos are indeed quite easy to train. These lovable dogs, a hybrid resulting from crossbreeding between Cocker Spaniels and Poodles, are an absolute fan favorite among the dog-loving community. On top of being absolutely adorable, which they were literally destined to be considering their parents, these dogs are also very intelligent, loving by nature, and have a hypoallergenic coat. Dog lovers with allergies, assemble!
So, yes, they are generally easy to train, thanks to their intelligence and eagerness to please. Just like any other dog, though, factors such as genetics, environment, and training methods affect their trainability. In this article, we’ll explore why Cockapoos are considered easy to train and provide tips for effective training.
Why Are Cockapoos Easy to Train?
There are numerous factors that, either by sheer luck or the thoughtful foresight of breeders, work in favor of Cockapoos and make them quite an easy little furball to train. These include:
Inherited Intelligence: Thanks to the intelligence of both parents, Cockapoos are blessed with high levels of intelligence. Poodles are consistently ranked among the smartest dog breeds in the world, excelling in problem-solving and learning quickly. Cocker Spaniels, while slightly less dominant in terms of intelligence, are still highly trainable, intelligent, and eager to please their human parents. This combination makes Cockapoos quick learners that easily pick up on tricks and commands. Don’t be too surprised if you find this genius doing quantum physics late at night.
Social Adaptability: Both Poodles and Cocker Spaniels are known for their desire to please their owners, a trait that Cockapoos inherit. This makes them naturally social dogs that adapt well to different environments and situations, for example, the adaptability of Cocker Spaniels to live comfortably within an apartment. They are easier to train in various settings, whether at home, in a park, or during obedience classes. Furthermore, their friendly demeanor means they are less likely to be stubborn or show signs of aggression, both of which are major hindrances when training dogs.
Low to Mid Levels of Energy: One might assume hyperactive dogs would be easier to train because they can train longer. Well, good luck keeping a hyperactive dog from getting distracted. Low-to-mid energy levels are ideal for training.
Tips for Training Your Cockapoo
While Cockapoos are generally easy to train, there are some techniques and approaches that have been tried and tested. They are as follows:
Start Early
They say old dogs don’t learn new tricks. That is completely false. Old dogs can be trained, but just like humans, they become set in their ways, lack the energy, and have less motivation to learn something new. So, begin training your Cockapoo right from puppyhood, as puppies are more receptive to learning than teens or adults. Additionally, early training helps establish good habits and prevents behavioral issues.
Use Positive Reinforcement
Positive reinforcement works best on Cockapoos, as with the majority of other dogs. Reward good behavior—and good behavior only—with treats, praise, and playtime. Scolding or being harsh will only break the precious bond you share with your pup, and they’ll only resent you and resist training. It is also important to remember that during these training sessions, only good behavior is rewarded. For example, if you're training your dog not to jump on strangers, and someone comes over and the dog starts jumping on them, giving them a treat as a distraction would only reinforce that behavior. The key to positive reinforcement training is consistently reminding yourself that only positive behavior gets a reward.
Keep Training Sessions Short and Fun
Small dog pups like Cockapoos don’t particularly have long attention spans, and while they are eager to please their owners, it's best not to push it. So, it's recommended to keep training sessions short—around 15 minutes tops—and engaging. You can choose to focus on a single exercise or train multiple; your interest counts too.
Be Consistent
Use the same commands and rewards each time, and ensure all family members follow the same rules. Inconsistent training can confuse your dog and slow progress. You know how the old saying goes: “Consistency is key.”
Socialize Your Cockapoo
Socialization is extremely important and must be done during puppyhood. Your Cockapoo is going to meet many different people, be in different environments, and even come across other pets and animals throughout its lifespan. A socialized pup will not freak out or develop anxiety or aggression when encountering a new person, animal, or environment if they’ve been properly socialized.
Enroll in Obedience Classes
If you’re struggling with training, which isn’t uncommon for first-time dog owners, consider enrolling your furry friend in an obedience class. Professional trainers can address the specific issues your dog has and help you with the training process.
Crate Train your Cockapoo
First-time owners or those inexperienced with dog training or behavior may resist crate training their dogs under the impression that it feels like they’re putting them in a cage. While the intention behind this sentiment is noble and completely understandable, dogs naturally seek out enclosed, quiet shelters. Consider it their room—an escape from reality where they can relax.
Crate training is highly beneficial in several aspects of managing a dog, such as when traveling, for potty training, giving them a place to retreat to, and avoiding destructive behaviors.

Ensure that the crate:
• Is the right size so your dog can comfortably change positions in it.
• Has proper and comfortable bedding (this is optional, depending on whether your dog likes it or not).
• Is located in a quiet place.
Introduce your dog to the crate slowly using positive reinforcement like treats and pets. You want them to build a positive association with the crate so they consider it their safe space, not a place where they’re trapped.
Common Training Challenges and Solutions
Housebreaking: Some Cockapoos take longer to be house-trained. A simple solution is to take them out frequently, especially after a meal, and reward them for going potty outside. This requires patience, so be prepared. Remember, punishments don’t work.
Separation Anxiety: Cockapoos are love bugs that cannot stay away from their owners for too long, and being separated can trigger separation anxiety. Before leaving them alone, it’s best to start the process by gradually getting them accustomed to being alone. Do this by leaving them alone for short periods in the beginning and gradually increasing the duration. They’re going to need mental stimulation and playtime when you’re gone, so provide some toys.
Excessive Barking: Cockapoos are quite yappy, but they’re not barking for no reason. Sometimes it’s boredom, other times it’s anxiety, and many times they just want attention. Identify the cause and address it—this should largely fix the problem. It’s also best to teach them the “quiet” command and reward them when they remain silent when requested.
So, long story short: Are cockapoos easy to train? Yes, absolutely. Their intelligence, eagerness to please, and loving and devoted nature make them one of the most trainable dog breeds. However, despite being easy to train, it is best to use the right approach, which is positive reinforcement and a ton of patience. Remember, training a dog is great for their own well-being as well.
What is the best age to start training a Cockapoo?
Training should start as soon as you bring your puppy home, which is typically around 8 weeks old. Once they’ve got a grip on their movements and are fairly active, you can start training them. The earlier the better.
Can Cockapoos be trained to be off-leash?
Yes, Cockapoos can be trained to be off-leash, but it requires consistent recall training and a safe, enclosed area for practice. Always ensure your Cockapoo responds reliably to commands before allowing them off-leash in open space.
What is the best training method for them?
Positive reinforcement is the only training methods that owners should ideally use. Other methods are also viable but those, if not used correctly, can greatly damage the trust your dog has in you and isn’t, particularly, required for a family dog. Positive reinforcement is the most effective training method for Cockapoos so reward good behavior with treats, praise, or playtime.