Top 10 Small Dog Breeds That Don't Shed

Top 10 Small Dog Breeds That Don't Shed
Small hypoallergenic dog breeds are ideal companions for those seeking a pet with minimal shedding. From the playful Bichon Frise to the elegant Toy Poodle, these dogs not only bring joy and affection into your home but also reduce the hassle of constant cleaning. While no dog is entirely non-shedding, many of these breeds shed so little that they are often considered hypoallergenic. Whether you're living in a cozy apartment or a spacious home, these small dogs can fit seamlessly into your life, offering both companionship and ease of care.

Having a small dog is almost as adorable as it gets. Small, devoted, and sometimes even naughty, they are perfect pets for any home, whether large or small. They are portable and normally long-lasting, and most are categorized as hypoallergenic and do not shed. That means saying goodbye to being sneezy or having to vacuum up fluff around the house and hello to having a new friend to play with.

It should, however, be appreciated that not all small dogs can boast of this characteristic. There are so many small breed dogs that do not shed or shed minimally. These dogs are out and out lazing around and love hugging very active, intelligent hunting animals. Some own long, gorgeous hair; others have no hair on the entire body.

Small Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds

Now, let's examine the wide range of small breed dogs that do not shed and then decide on which specific breed you want to adopt.

1. Bichon Frise

Bichon Frise, which translates as ‘curly lap dog’ in French, is descended from the Barbet, a Mediterranean water dog. It cannot weigh more than 18 pounds, and its average size is about 9 inches. Measuring up to 5 inches in height, Bichon Frises are well-suited for apartment living, families with children, and households with other animals. 

According to the American Kennel Club, it is scary with strangers, ‘there are no strangers’ just friends whom they haven’t met yet.” They are gentle, sensitive, and perfect house dogs that enjoy learning new tricks, provided the trainer has tasty dog treats. Bichon Frises love to run from one room to the other and jump on furniture to join you on the couch before dozing off. Of course, they do not represent those dogs that are dominant, but they do possess some stubbornness, and as has been mentioned earlier, it can be very challenging to house train them. 

Other breeds of Bichon Frises also bark at a very high pitch. Do you travel to work or work for long hours in a day? Bichon Frises can also be rather lonely animals and are prone to separation anxiety, although they enjoy being with people.

2. Havanese

The Havanese is a small breed of dog. They weigh between 7 and 13 pounds, are intelligent, and are a bit aggressive but friendly and outgoing. Although Havanese are active in adventures and outdoor activities, they could be more energetic and high-strung and do well with moderate daily activity in small homes.

The Havanese are small dogs like a Teacup Shih Tzu that do not like to bark a lot. They are perfect for city life and traveling. As with any other dog breed, Havanese dogs develop an unequaled bond with their owners and thus should not be left alone for most of the day.

3. Maltese and Maltipoo

Maltese is a toy breed of dog that is friendly, gentle and prone to attachment and has long hair. Their small size and temperance make them excellent tenants for a house or an apartment, and also city dogs. According to some sources, in terms of weight, Maltese has ranged from 2-8 lbs at mature age.

Maltipoo is a designer breed that results from the cross between Maltese and Toy/Miniature Poodles. Generally, they are friendly like the Maltese and as active as Poodles due to the inheritance of genes from these breeds. A fair amount of moderate daily physical activity will ensure that your Maltipoo will remain happy and in good health.

4. Miniature Schnauzer

Most Miniature Schnauzers are between 12-14 inches in height and weigh around 20 lbs; coats are friendly and have lots of energy. Walrus-like beards and eyebrows characterize them that they deem sufficiently operatic to warrant theatrical expression. For all their cheerfulness, Miniature Schnauzers are outgoing and can be rather willful, and they are mistrustful of folks beyond their family circle. Miniature Schnauzers can live in both the city and the countryside, provided that they are taken out for at least an hour of exercise daily.

As much as Miniature Schnauzers prefer to be alone or have minimal interaction with people they do not like if this little dog opts for you as his favorite, he will always desire to be touching you or be close to you. Miniature Schnauzers are also dig-into-the-sand stubborn, and they will turn deaf if ever they feel like it. They fall into the habit of barking before other large dogs without any regard for the outcome and often give chase to other small animals. This can get them into a lot of trouble; thus, it is up to you to reign them in when the need arises.

5. Miniature and Toy Poodles

Like all poodles, Toy Poodles are smart and friendly dogs. This breed is very cute, with a small but proportional body size. They range from 9 to 10 inches tall and weigh 4 to 6 pounds. One of those is the splendid coat, which is dense and curly and seems to be hypoallergenic. These elegant coats are available in four colors: white, black, apricot, and silver, which also enhances their beauty.

Bathing the Toy Poodle is required in grooming, as this breed’s coat demands routine attention so as not to tangle. This way, their curls will not tangle, and there will be no buildup of debris that needs to be washed out. Owners of Toy Poodles bring their dogs to professional groomers for haircutting every four to six weeks to enhance the breed's fashionable and neat appearance.

6. Shih Tzu

Teacup Shih Tzu is small in general and of strong build. They are friendly and vigilant, and their coats are beautiful, long, and silky. While Shih Tzus are rather devoted to their human counterpart, they are also friendly dogs that will not hesitate to snuggle up to a stranger if it will get them extra affection in return.

Due to their size and temperament, Shih Tzus are great apartment and city dogs. Like Dachshunds, they can be quite stubborn at times, but it is also possible to correct them. For this reason, they require basic training at a tender age so that they do not grow up to be disobedient.

Check out our blog on how much does a Shih Tzu puppy cost? 

7. Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terriers are a toy breed, and the average adult dog weighs 4 to 7 pounds. Yorkies are friendly, very playful, and defiant dogs, and they are known to make more noise or bark excessively than other breeds of dogs.

That is why Yorkies are often called ‘purse dogs’ and adored as perfect travel buddies. Overall, they need very little exercise for their size, and just a brisk walk will make them happy and healthy for the rest of the day. Yorkshire Terriers are a small and easygoing breed that, as a rule, will go everywhere with its owner in a stylish, high-quality, and comfortable dog carrier bag, dog purse, or even subway.

8. Yorkipoo

Yorkipoos are hybrids of Yorkshire Terriers and Poodles. As adult dogs, they are often less than 15 pounds and provide a hypoallergenic, non-shedding coat because they have ancestry from 2 toy breeds that do not shed. 

9. Labradoodle

Labradoodle is a crossbreed between Labrador Retriever and Poodle, a small dog breed, well tempered, lively, and very intelligent. These dogs cause a little dander, which one can be assured does not trigger allergies. Although they are not considered as true hypoallergenic, they are actually one of the breeds which shed very little.

10. Bedlington Terrier

Originally from England, Bedlington Terriers are good family pets and guard dogs who enjoy firm exercise. These breeds stand 17 inches tall, about 5 inches tall at the shoulder and have an expected life span of up to sixteen years. The Bedlington Terrier dog has a unique type of hair that resembles a lamb: curly, wooly hair. The breed is friendly, full of joy, and loves people. It needs moderate exercise.


Dogs bring emotional benefits to peoples’ lives, including boosting mood, reducing stress levels, and helping people make friends, as well as being sources of companionship and happiness. Contrary to what many people think, there is no such thing as a ‘non-shedding’ breed; it simply means a breed that sheds less. If you need any more support and information on getting the best hypoallergenic toy breeds, at Up and Away Pups we bring the best breed for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is the Smallest Hypoallergenic Dog?

The Maltese is likely the smallest hypoallergenic breed, with most dogs weighing less than 7 pounds, though the Teacup variety of Yorkshire Terriers can be 5 pounds.

Can Hypoallergenic Dogs Still Trigger Allergies?

Unfortunately, they can. People's allergies vary greatly, and even low-shedding dogs can produce enough allergens to cause reactions. Spending time with a dog before adopting can help determine if a specific breed triggers allergies.

Do Hypoallergenic Dogs Require Special Care?

Aside from the grooming needs specific to their coat type, hypoallergenic dogs don’t generally require special care that is different from what you would give to any dog.
