How Long Should You Leave a Puppy Alone?
Leaving a puppy alone requires careful consideration of age, breed, and training. Young puppies need frequent care, while older ones can gradually handle more independence. This guide provides age-based recommendations, tips for crate training, mental stimulation, and ways to ease separation anxiety. From newborns needing constant supervision to older pups adjusting to alone time, learn how to support your furry friend’s development while ensuring their well-being when you're away.
A dog is no less than a family member, and we want to spend as much time as we can with our loved ones. Alas, that is simply not viable despite how much we’d like to. Now, you can trust your human family to manage themselves without you (for the most part), but the same, alas, cannot be said about dogs. Not even smarty-pants dogs like Poodles. So, with that fact established, how long can you—or should you, more appropriately—leave a puppy alone? In this blog post, we’ll find that out.
Understanding a Puppy’s Needs
The answer to that question, how long should you leave a puppy alone, depends largely on factors like age, breed, training level, and temperament. It is best to clarify one thing here. We aren’t talking about small dogs; we’re talking exclusively about puppies. Since they are still growing, puppies have developmental needs that must be met before they can grow into well-adjusted adults.
Arguably, the biggest issue is simply bladder control. Puppies need to relieve themselves frequently, plus they want and need mental stimulation and companionship. All of these needs cannot be met when you’re away. But how long can you be away?
Well, as a general rule of thumb, a pup’s bladder control is about one hour per month of age. So, a 2-month-old puppy needs to pee every 2 hours, a 4-month-old pup every 4 hours, and so on.
Age-Based Guidelines for Leaving a Puppy Alone
One could say that puppyhood lasts until dogs are 1 year old, after which their teenage phase begins. This first year brings massive changes in the pup’s personality, as well as physical and mental growth. So, they have different needs at different stages. Let’s talk about them all:
Newborn to 8 Weeks
Puppies at this stage should not be left alone at all. They’re extremely fragile and require constant supervision to keep them warm and fed every few hours—a role that the mama dog plays. If separated too early from their litter, they may struggle with socialization and anxiety later on.
8–10 Weeks
This is usually the age when pups are up for adoption. Now, they can adjust to their new home and even be left alone for up to an hour or an hour and a half. However, they’re still very young and need their human parents around.

10–12 Weeks
Your puppy is now growing up and becoming more independent. However, they still can’t fully control their bladder. You can stretch alone time to 1.5–2 hours, but anything longer increases the risk of accidents.
3–6 Months
If the pup has been trained well, they can be left alone for around 3–4 hours. Crate training or using a playpen can help create a safe space for them. There are ways to stop a pup from peeing in the crate if they start that.
6–12 Months
By this point, most puppies can handle being alone for about 4–6 hours. However, high-energy breeds (like Pomeranians) or those prone to separation anxiety (like Chihuahuas, because of how attached they get) may still need companionship and mental stimulation.
How to Make Alone Time Easier for Your Puppy
Now, pups grow to be independent with age, but that does not mean that you, as the pet parent, do not play an active role in this growth. Here are some ways you can assist them:
• Get your pup a properly sized crate that essentially becomes their safe house. However, do not put them inside for too long.
• Puzzle toys, chew toys, and even other pets are great for keeping them engaged.
• If you have a busy schedule but can afford it, you can hire someone to check in on your puppy and take them out for potty breaks. Similarly, doggy daycare is also a viable option.
• Leave behind a comfort item, perhaps a blanket that smells like you, so it provides the dog with some comfort while you’re away. Awh.
• Alone time can be increased gradually. Start out slow and increase the duration as you see your puppy adjusting.
Getting a puppy is a major responsibility, and one of the sacrifices that must be made is adjusting to the pup’s biology. Alas, you’re going to have to cut back on alone time and tend to their needs—at least during their puppyhood. It is a rewarding experience, though, and with time and plenty of training, the amount of time they can be left alone will increase.
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• How to Stop a Puppy from Peeing in the Crate?
• How Long Can a Dog Stay in a Crate?
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