Basic to Advanced Training Techniques For Teacup Teddy Bear Puppies

Teacup Teddy Bear
Teacup Teddy Bear pups are not just adorable companions; they require specialized training techniques suited to their compact size and gentle nature. Our guide covers everything from basic socialization and potty training to advanced skills, ensuring your puppy thrives in various environments.

Teacup Teddy Bear pups are more than just adorable and well-loved companions that need distinctive modes of training techniques well-suited to their compact sizes and gentle temperament. In our guide today, we are going to check out the things that you should understand about training such delightful little puppies, right from the foundational basics to the highly advanced skills. Every step is designed to help your  Teacup Teddy Bear puppy thrive across different spaces, whether you start socializing and progressing to therapy or agility therapy.

About the Adorable Teacup Teddy Bear Puppies

Teacup teddy bear puppies generally form the crossbreed between Bichon Frise and Shih Tzu breeds, resulting in the smallest-sized dogs with fluffier coats and friendly dispositions. Their compact sizes and features resembling teddy bears make them astonishingly endearing pets, as they are well-known to please all. Their intelligence makes them responsive to training compared to the other bigger breeds.

Basic Training Techniques

Before we discuss the distinctive training methods, it is important to lay a robust foundation for your puppy's development.


Socialization proves the intricate attribute of raising a well-behaved Teacup Teddy Bear pup. Early socialization will expose them to various people, sounds, animals, and environments that can help prevent any aggression or fearfulness while they are maturing. Eventually, introducing them to new experiences in a controlled and positive way builds their confidence. The process boosts their adaptability while fostering positive interactions with rest throughout their lives.

Potty Training

Toilet training plays an important role among Teacup Teddy Bear puppies and must be made right from the start daily. Since they are small they may have to be taken more often to the bathroom than the big dogs would have to be. One must take time and ensure that the animal is corrected gently, especially when they have adopted the habit of eliminating outside the area you want them to defecate; this should be done through positive reinforcement methods such as the use of treats, praises, and maintaining a set timetable on when to feed the animal among other things. Timing and reinforcement are critical when the pet is being trained on this aspect as it intends to make the pet comprehend where and when they should go to eliminate themselves.

Basic Commands

Training your puppy to respond with obedience to sit, stay, come, and heel is good for the morale of the puppy as it builds up on the kind of signals you want the puppy to follow. Furthermore, when the performer has given the correct reaction, an incentive, be it a treat or toy that the dog loves, ought to be used. Ensure that the training takes as little time as possible but is fun to ensure that the nutrient’s attention is not lost. If you proceed to decompartmentalize each command into small parts and take regular repetitions, their understanding and responsiveness will increase, thus creating the conditions for further training.

Crate Training

Teaching your Teacup Teddy Bear puppy about crate training offers them a comfortable and safe area that they can call their own. However, ensure that the crate has comfortable substances within, such as a mat or blanket, toys, and treats. Crate training assists in keeping the puppy off the room while eliminating and offers safety at times when you may not be close to monitoring your puppy. The time spent in the crate must be gradually increased, and give them food and signal to them calmly to make them understand the crate is their home rather than a jail.

Leash Training

Leash training is a method in which your puppy is trained to walk quietly on a leash near you. They should commence either inside a classroom or a calm area outside the classroom to avoid much disruption. It would help if you made them want to walk beside you and use treats and gentle jerks to help them. When they are used to the walks on a leash, the period and difficulty of the walks should be progressively increased. Utilize a positive reward system by encouraging them not to pull on the leash during the walk and encouraging better leash manners that are safe and enjoyable for the pets during the walk.

Advanced Commands

After your Teacup Teddy Bear puppy has learned the simple commands, you should proceed to the complex ones, for example, fetch, leave it, or paw. Make each command into small procedures and make sure you are rewarding the target people for wanted behaviors. It sharpens their brain and, at the same time, is an excellent way of bonding with your pet through the next set of commands, known as the advanced commands. By progressing upon those fundamental concepts or exercises, you will further develop your and the dog’s capabilities as well as enhance the relationship relying on trust between you and your puppy.

Clicker Training

Clicker training refers to a very accurate method of training where a reward, such as a piece of biscuit, follows a certain sound of the clicker. It is recommended to begin with clicking and treating the easiest command actions like sitting or down. Gradually teach behaviors that are more complicated with the help of the clicker to mark the desirable actions. Clicker training improves their response and speed response to instructions, and this makes them learn faster during the training sessions.

Behavioral Training

Teaching the Teacup Teddy Bear puppy not to bark excessively, chew things, or jump on furniture is possible because the training is initiated during the early ages of the puppy’s life. To address the negative behaviors, one should guide the children to a different appropriate behavior and ensure they offer and follow through with positive behaviors. Training your puppy should be carried out consistently, and this should be supported by positive reinforcements to encourage the puppy to adopt positive behaviors whenever some issues occur during their early stages of development.


Teacup Teddy Bear puppies should be trained; this is a very noble cause that takes a lot of time and patience with extra care on the techniques that have to be used due to their small size and gentle nature. Interested in a Teacup Teddy Bear Puppy either for training or as a pet to have? Choose Up and Away Pups as your breeder; it is one of the best Teacup Teddy Bear puppy breeders. They provide well-socialized and raised healthy puppies, with good temperaments, and are easily trainable. Begin your process of selecting the best fur-type pet now!



What Age Should I Start Training My Teacup Teddy Bear Puppy?

It is always best to initiate training your Teacup Teddy Bear puppy at a younger age. Basic training includes socialization and potty training that you can start at 8 weeks of old. But, it is important to keep your training sessions fun and short, accommodating their attention.

Are Teacup Teddy Bear Puppies Difficult to Housebreak?

Housebreaking techniques for your Teacup Teddy Bear puppies need consistency and patience due to their compact sizes and the frequent need for elimination. The consistent schedules, crate training, and positive reinforcements would help with housebreaking.

Can Teacup Teddy Bear Puppies Participate in Agility Training Despite Their Small Size?

Teacup Teddy Bear puppies can actively participate in their agility training; however, it remains important to be used. The obstacles are scaled right to their sizes, and they initiate with small tunnels and low jumps, eventually increasing the difficulty levels while building better confidence and more coordination.
