Are Mini Bernedoodles Hypoallergenic?
Mini Bernedoodles are often considered hypoallergenic, but their coat type affects shedding and allergen levels. This guide explores what makes them allergy-friendly, how to choose the right one, and tips for managing allergies. Learn how grooming, cleaning, and spending time with a pup before adoption can help allergy sufferers enjoy a Mini Bernedoodle stress-free.
We all want someone to come back home to, a companion that waits for us eagerly and jumps up in excitement, wags their tail, and makes cute squeaky noises. That’s right, we’re talking about our lovely friends from across the species. Everybody loves dogs. Furballs of joy, embodiments of sunshine, an absolute delight to be around.
Now, imagine being in the presence of a creature like this and simply being unable to pet them for any significant duration of time without coughing your eyes out. That’s not the nicest experience, now is it? Alas, such is the plight of those who suffer from dog allergies. Usually, those with dog allergies tend to stay away from them, but what about those who are dog lovers and have this condition? There must be a way out!
Enter hypoallergenic dogs like our star of the show tonight, the Mini Bernedoodle. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the subject of whether Mini Bernedoodles are hypoallergenic, explore what it means for a dog to be hypoallergenic, and examine the factors that contribute to allergies.
What Does “Hypoallergenic” Mean?
Let’s understand, first, what hypoallergenic means. It refers to something unlikely to cause an allergic reaction. There are hypoallergenic cosmetics and fibers, but dog breeds, too, can fall into that category. So, in the context of our furry friends, a hypoallergenic dog is a breed that is less likely to trigger allergic reactions in people who are sensitive to pet dander. For those wondering, pet dander is basically just the flakes of skin that animals shed. It’s often carried within their hair and causes allergic reactions. Generally speaking, dogs with curly hair are considered hypoallergenic, whereas those with straight hair, like a Pomeranian or Golden Retriever, tend to shed a lot and aren’t hypoallergenic.
Now, with all that said, it is important to clarify that no dog breed is entirely allergen-free. Allergen friendly? Sure, not allergen-free. The dogs that are considered hypoallergenic are thought to produce fewer allergens, making them a better choice for allergy sufferers. These breeds often have hair instead of fur, which tends to shed less. Additionally, some hypoallergenic dogs produce fewer proteins in their saliva, another common source of allergens. Some other breeds, like the Cavachon, are also popular among allergy sufferers—but are Cavachon puppies truly hypoallergenic?
Difference between Hypoallergenic and Allergy-Free
A common myth we often find floating around is people telling us that they’re getting a hypoallergenic dog because it is allergy-free, and that isn’t incorrect per se but it is a sleight of hand. You see, no dog is ever really allergy-free; there is never a 100% guarantee that a dog’s fur or hair won’t trigger allergies. However, the compromise here is, that when a dog is considered hypoallergenic, it means that they are less likely to trigger an allergic reaction than one that isn’t. That is why it is important to only get a hypoallergenic breed like the Mini Bernedoodle if you suffer from them. More on that below:
Are Mini Bernedoodles Hypoallergenic?
Let’s answer the question at the end, are Mini Bernedoodles hypoallergenic? Well, the short answer is, it depends. The Mini Bernedoodle is a combination of two breeds, one of which is hypoallergenic, the Poodle, with its curly, low-shedding coat, whereas the other parent is a Bernese Mountain Dog, with a thicker, more shedding-prone coat that can trigger allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. Depending upon the genetics of your specific Mini Bernedoodle, their hypoallergenicness would be defined. However, as a general rule of thumb, these dogs are considered more hypoallergenic than many other breeds, but they are not guaranteed to be allergy-free.
To get yourself a Mini Bernedoodle, you need to get it from a breeder that is capable of providing you one with a genetic makeup that consists more of the anti-allergy-related characteristics. Some breeds, such as Mini Labradoodles, are also sought after for their allergy-friendly traits—here’s why Mini Labradoodles have a hypoallergenic advantage.
Things To Remember
It is important to keep in mind the fact that Mini Bernedoodles are a hybrid dog, a mix between Poodle and Bernese Mountain Dogs. Even if you get a puppy from the same litter, there is a significant amount of genetic variability in terms of coat type, shedding levels, and allergen production, and thus have vastly different effects on allergy sufferers.

Mini Bernedoodles can have three types of coats:
Curly coats (like a Poodle's): These coats tend to shed less and trap dander, which makes them better for allergy sufferers.
Wavy coats: This coat type is a mix of curly and straight, and while it may shed less than a straight coat, it still sheds more than a curly coat.
Straight coats (like a Bernese Mountain Dog's): These coats shed more and are more likely to spread dander throughout the home.
Tips for Allergy Sufferers Considering a Mini Bernedoodle
Let us again make it clear that just because hypoallergenic doesn’t mean 100% free-from-allergy-triggering-fur, it doesn’t mean these dogs don’t deserve a spot in your home. If you suffer from dog allergies, with the help of getting a hypoallergenic breed like the Mini Bernedoodle and a few precautions, allergic reactions can be majorly dealt with:
Spend Time with the Dog First: Before bringing a Mini Bernedoodle home, spend time with the specific dog you’re considering. Visit the breeder or rescue center and see how your allergies react to the dog. This is the best way to gauge whether a particular Mini Bernedoodle will be suitable for you.
Regular Grooming: Grooming really does go a long way. Keeping them clean and well-groomed can help reduce the amount of dander in your home, and dander is what causes reactions. Brush your dog regularly to keep them free from mats, and their fur clean, and to remove loose dander. Mini Bernedoodles and their curly coat, need to be groomed professionally once every 4–6 weeks.
Clean Your Home Frequently: Get yourself a vacuum cleaner and perhaps an air purifier, and frequently clean the house to reduce allergens present in the environment. Frequent cleaning can help reduce allergens in the environment. Also, wash your dog’s bed frequently to help keep the air clean and reduce the spread of dander. Remember, it isn’t just the dander and fur, it's the saliva stuck to the fur that causes reactions.
Consider Allergy Medications: If you’re sensitive to dog dander, you may want to consult an allergist before bringing a Mini Bernedoodle into your home. They may recommend medications or allergy shots to help manage your symptoms.
The Mini Bernedoodles have great potential to be hypoallergenic, especially if they inherit their Poodle parent’s curly coat. However, since genetics aren’t that easy to manipulate, there is no guarantee that every single Mini Bernedoodle will be hypoallergenic.
It is best to spend some time with the pup and see how your body reacts to them. If everything goes well, or if you simply cannot resist the temptation of their puppy-dog eyes, follow the grooming and cleaning tips to a tee and be proactive about managing allergies.
Do Mini Bernedoodles Always Have a Curly Coat?
Not necessarily! Mini Bernedoodles can have three types of coats: curly (like a Poodle), wavy (a mix of both parents), or straight (like a Bernese Mountain Dog). The coat type depends on genetics, and each type has different care and shedding levels.
How Do I Know If a Mini Bernedoodle Is Hypoallergenic for Me?
The best way is to spend time with the specific Mini Bernedoodle you’re considering. Everyone’s allergies are different, and some people may react even to hypoallergenic dogs. A trial visit can help you figure it out.
Do Mini Bernedoodles Shed?
It depends on their coat type. Curly-coated Mini Bernedoodles shed very little, while wavy or straight-coated ones may shed more. With that said though, regular brushing and grooming can help manage shedding no matter the coat type.
Are Mini Bernedoodles High-Maintenance?
They can be, especially if they inherit a curly coat that needs frequent grooming. However, their friendly and loyal nature makes the extra effort worth it for many owners. They thrive on love and attention, so they’re happiest in a home where they can spend plenty of time with their humans.
Can Mini Bernedoodles Live in Small Homes or Apartments?
Yes, Mini Bernedoodles can adapt well to smaller spaces. They’re an active breed, but their smaller size makes them suitable for apartment living as long as they get daily exercise and mental stimulation.